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16-900 Flow-thru Conductivity Electrode with 1/16" Fittings

16-900 Flow-thru Conductivity Electrode with 1/16" Fittings


16-900 Flow-thru Conductivity Electrode with 1/16" Fittings

We can mate to most conductivity meters please specify when order, or inquire first


    TOTAL LENGTH                             

    2 cm


    1 m  

    BODY (Outer Diameter)

    10 mm

    TIP (Outer Diameter)

    1/16" tubing 


    5 to 15 seconds  




    10uS-100 mS  


    -5°C to 75° C  


    TYPE: Solution & Electrode

    not needed



    The electrode is ready to use.  Some of the smaller diameter probes are shipped to you in a protective glass tube.  If so, carefully unwind the green tape and remove the probe from the protective glass tube.


    Any cell that has been stored dry should be soaked in distilled or deionized water for 24 hours prior to use to assure complete wetting of the cell.

    Each conductivity cell manufactured is calibrated to obtain, as close as possible, a cell constant (K) of 1.0/cm using the 0.01 N KCl solution method as determined by Jones and Bradshaw in 1937.  However, to obtain more accurate results, you should calibrate the cell and calculate a new cell constant using conductivity standards that more closely resemble the anticipated range of your sample as well as the size of your samples.

    You may use the standard solution and the following table to check the accuracy of the cell's constant or to determine an unknown constant. 

    The formula is K= (k1 +k2)(1/R)

    K = cell constant in c.g.s. metric units (/cm)
    1/R = measured conductance in micromhos
       k1  = conductivity in absolute micromhos/cm 
    from table below
                 k2 = Conductivity in absolute micromhos/cm of the
    distilled water used in making the solution


    Using any electrode in solutions containing protein requires the electrode be rinsed with an enzyme cleaning solution.


    After each use, we recommend cleaning our electrodes with Terg-a-zyme (Alconox, Inc.) or a chromic/sulfuric acid glass cleaning solution by submerging the electrodes for a couple of minutes in order to remove all protein from the glass and reference junction.


    This will prolong the useful life of the electrodes.


    Always clean the microelectrode before storing:


    • Long-term (over 2 weeks): rinse the flow path with DI water and drain


    • Short-term: rinse the flow path with DI water
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